So that’s as assuredly instant death as if you’d fallen into a volcano full of sharks who are already very annoyed about the volcano thing. And if you fall into the pond it’ll be because you fell off the colossus in which case you won’t have any stamina because you used it all up leaping across the sweetcorn kernels embedded in its turdlike form. And the first non-tutorial colossus in the game is basically a cylinder jutting out of a pond like a late night kebab shit in a public toilet. See, on the medium setting you die if you run out of stamina while swimming. I don’t care how many dead girlfriends you need to pull across the giant balls event horizon – anything else just isn’t fun. ‘Cos of course while I was playing Shadow of the Colossus and getting mashed into the dirt by a concrete hoof the size of an aboveground swimming pool I remember thinking “Boy, this would be so much more engaging if my dude was also hankering for a sandwich.” In fairness, while the crafting you’re stuck with, you can choose your preferred level of survival elements and here’s Yahtzee’s gameplay hot tip – you want the lowest fucking setting. And then the game seems to start fretting that we’re not quite invested enough in proceedings and goes “Wait, I know what will fix this! Survival crafting elements!” Oh here we fucking go. Maybe they’ve all been widdling in the rivers.

The world is boned, and also in the plot of the video game the world is boned, and killing the seven colossi will in some way help. Praey for the Gods doesn’t make it quite so clear. your girlfriend has carked it and you’re hoping if you murder a few skyscrapers her spirit will be caught by the gravitational pull of your gigantic balls. Only where in Shadow of the Colossus you’re doing it for very coherent and emotionally affecting story reasons, i.e.
You’re a traveller who comes to a distant land and gets told by a weird mystical disembodied voice in a temple to go to a series of ambulatory historical interest sites and duff them up. And Praey for the Gods is Shadow of the Colossus but shorter and not as really good. Inconveniently, however, I have, and even less conveniently, I very clearly remember it being really good. Anyway, quick summary: Praey for the Gods is a third person open world game that I imagine one would probably look upon a lot more charitably had one never heard of Shadow of the Colossus. Still a better option than Praey for the Gods, I’d say, ‘cos that’s both not a pun and not a fucking word. And they couldn’t call it P-R-A-Y for the Gods, ‘cos that’s not a pun. Apparently they couldn’t call it P-R-E-Y for the Gods ‘cos of concern it’d get confused with P-R-E-Y the other game. Things have gotten a bit off the rails here on the Zero Punctuation express, but now we’re getting back on track and the buffet car has tentatively brought out the individually wrapped pastries again, let’s talk about a game from last year I’ve been meaning to review, Praey for the Gods. We have a merch store as well! Visit the store for brand new ZP merch. Want to watch Zero Punctuation ad-free? Sign-up for The Escapist + today and support your favorite content creators!

This week in Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee reviews Praey for the Gods.